Questions & Answers

Does anyone know how to connect a Zoom R16 to Presonus Studio One (free version) as it doesn't seem to recognise it?

0 votes
asked Aug 24, 2017 in AudioBox USB by juliejackson (170 points)
I have a Zoom R16 audio interface that I would like to connect to Presonus Studio One but it doesn't connect and it is isn't on the list of devices. Is it not compatible?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 26, 2017 by terryrand1 (140 points)
Hi I have been struggling with cubase to work with my r24  I have loaded in studio one but you will have to add the drives for the r16 into your computer then plug in the lead not forgetting to select I/f and execute the set up I/ o in the software there is some great videos in you tube hope it all works for you me aim still learning the next stage
0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2018 by juusojuhahapponen (150 points)
I have exactly the same problem, MacOS 10.10.5. and StudioOne3.... updated the driver for R16 but no connection. Anyone? Help?
0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2019 by henriquemelo (140 points)

I struggled with the same problem for a long time and what solved it right away was installing ASIO4ALL. Studio One automatically recognized my R16 and worked with it.
