Questions & Answers

How it works the "StudioLive AR16 USB" Mixer with the Computer and the "Studio One Artist"?

0 votes
asked Sep 1, 2017 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by rafaelumbelino (200 points)
I have a lot of admiration for Presonus products, because I work with Presonus equipment in my home studio. But I have a question about this mixing console, because I don't know how to work with her in the Studio. I wish you guys did a tutorial, as they have done with some of your products, through Youtube, because it will be a way to get a lot of questions that I have, and that can influence me bought this mixer for my home studio.

- One of the questions I have, is that if you can mix a Studio Studio One 3 Artist session, with the mixer?

- Another question is if the faders of the mixer have influence on the faders of Studio One 3 Artist?

- If you can record the session from the Studio One 3 Artist, with the Equalization of the mixer?

- If there is a problem to adjust the "Asio Buffer Size", for a lower value, when it record, and to a larger value, when mixing the studio session?

I don't want to create any embarrassment with these issues. Are issues I have that, if clarified, can help me choose this mixer for my home studio, and to my work.

Thank You to Presonus, for having a team made up of musicians, and for musicians.

Hugs from Portugal.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2017 by vasilykorytov (11,560 points)
Hey from Ukraine,

1. you will have separate inputs for the channels. they will be post-gain, but pre-fader

2. you will also have a `main mix' output: stereo signal that's post-fader, but a combined signal. if you want to record two mono signals at once, but post-fader, you can go with this. but not three.

3. I believe, the `play/pause/rec' buttons on the mixer should work, but no other fancy integration. that is: basically a mixer is a large sound card for the S1 (with ability to record one stereo mix that's post EQ, pan and FX). most of mixer's controls will have no effect on recorded sound if you will record the separate inputs, not the main mix.

4. check out the "low-latency monitoring" that will basically increase the buffer on played tracks, but will not for the recording ones.