Questions & Answers

Drum scores - support for sticking marks

+23 votes
asked Sep 29, 2017 in Notion Feature Requests by timgillespie (300 points)

Hi. I use Notion 6 to score drum parts for teaching. Often this requires including left and right sticking guides (L, R, etc.), especially when teaching snare drum rudiments.

The problem I have is with notating flams, i.e. a grace note on one hand followed by a note on the other hand. This is commonly notated using a grace note with a slur mark to the "main" note:

Flam notation

Ideally the grace note sticking text should line up with the grace note as above; at present it is not possible to do this using the "Lyr-ics" or Text tools - it ignores the grace note and aligns under the main note.

Thanks for your attention,

5 Answers

+4 votes
answered Oct 17, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,950 points)
selected Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the thumbs up.

In disagreement click on the thumbs down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2018 by mrsmartin (240 points)
0 votes
answered Apr 4, 2020 by gregseale (150 points)
This is a huge issue for me as well. I'm getting into score editing and stickings are by far the most time consuming part of any transcription.
0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2020 by chrisrebellius (150 points)
Is this feature now available? CanĀ“t find it in the App.
0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2021 by gordonrobert (150 points)
I just purchased Notion. I would have thought that this feature would have been included. For drum teachers like myself this is essential. It would also be helpful to be able to add more text  than what is currently offered. I'll be doing more research and contacting Presonmus again about this feature.