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Studio One for Electornic Music.... Impact XT as a Drum Rack !

+7 votes
asked Jul 25, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by yassine (1,540 points)
edited Jul 25, 2020 by yassine

I really love the way SO is evolving, but I feel it still needs more effort to be the main DAW for electronic music composer / producers... in another thread was talking about the session view.

In this thread I thing that using ATOM and ATOM SQ are huge step forward, but somehow limited by one thing.... Impact XT routing....

Impact XT needs more flexibility :
- Enhancement 1: Patern Mode view as the default view, For drums sequencing it’s a no brainer. So please add a possibility to select pattern mode by default, when you add a Impact XT track (or any other instrument like Maschine / battery ...ect )

- Enhancement 2 : Multi VST output support for Impact XT Pads. As an example, loading a multi output VST drum/groove machine like NI Maschine / NI Battery / AD2 / XO : Load the VST on Pad 1 and Route the different VST outputs to each other Pad (from Pad 2 to Pad 16 for eg). This way we can use ATOM / Novation LaunchPad / Ableton Push in conjonction with Impact XT not just to trigger wav sounds, but also to trig Drum/groove Machine VSTs like NI Machine / Battery / AD2 / XO and play in a seamless way with that.

- Enhancement 3 : More routing options for Impact XT Pads, eg : assign a different Midi channels to each Pad, different VST output ports/channels to each Pad as stated earlier )

- Enhancement 4 : Show a mix channel for each Pad : Have the ability to mix each Pad output individually in the mixer view. Let’s say I want to add a reverb to the snare in Pad 2, a different compressor for the kick in Pad 1, I want to gain stage the 16 Pads track, Pan them..ect directly from the mixer.... and group/stack them under the Impact XT track name.... (Not sure if we can do it today in SO 5.0 ? ),

- Enhancement 5 : Trigger a Pad from another Pad, this can very helpful to stack sounds like, Snare + Claps, a kick and a bass ...

An example of such flexibilities on Pads, you cann the example of MPC software/hardware pads, NI Maschine, Ableton Live and Bitwig studio Drum Racks....

If you guy think that this makes sense, please vote !!!!!

Thank you :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
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