Questions & Answers

how to erase staffs behind the end

0 votes
asked Oct 6, 2017 in Notion by mathiassiebert (480 points)
My score ist finished with the Finishing line at, lets say, measure 90. But 2 day ago I made some more staffs/pages. How can I erase the unnessasary measures/ staffs? I can't find a sloution.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Hi Matthias,

You will want to delete your ending bar line and add an ending bar line to the last measure of your score.  Once you have the ending bar line in the correct position, you can then delete all of the bar lines preceding it.  Just click and drag to highlight the bars and then go to Edit>Delete.  If you use the delete option from the Edit window, it will delete notation and bars.