I've just set up my AudioBox iTwo Studio kit for the first time on a Windows 10 laptop. To get any sound through the box, I had to set the gain all the way to max. But now I have a buzzing sound that recorded. If I turn the gain low enough that the buzzing disappears, nothing comes out of the box. I don't think it's the mike since the buzzing sound continues (albeit more softly) when the mike is disconnected. The driver control panel says AudioBox USB, so I'm wondering if I've got a bad driver. I set the sample rate to 48.1 and the other option to 512. I'm doing spoken voice recordings, so don't need everything all amped up and the computer is a little on the old side. I swtiched the sample rate to 44 Khz and still have the buzzing sound, The buzzing also continues when the DAW (StudioOne) is closed. I suspect I've either got something set wrong or a bad box. I tried searching and didn't find anything.