Questions & Answers

connecting a line out from my amplifier headphone socket to a AudioBox iTwo

+1 vote
asked Nov 18, 2015 in AudioBox USB by peterscott3 (510 points)
I want to connect my Fender Campion 100 amplifier to the Presonus AudioBox iTwo.

I intend to use the headphone out socket on the amplifier to do this, I have read in the manual that I must switch to line input to avoid damaging the unit.

Is this possible and if so what type of cable will I need as the headphone out socket is 3.5mm stereo so what type of 4.5 jack would I need on the end of this cable to plug into the AudioBox iTwoat  (stereo or Mono)

Thank you

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Nov 19, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
selected Nov 19, 2015 by peterscott3
Best answer
Which manual stated line input? You only have 1 line input on the AB, and you are trying to send a stereo signal to it. Plus you are sending an amplified signal (small amp for headphone), so you will have gain staging to contend with.


That being said, you would either need a 3.5mm to 1'4" mono, or 3.5mm to XLR male stereo (2 ends on the cable), to XLR Femal Stereo to 1/4" mono. Plugged in to input 1.
asked Nov 19, 2015 in AudioBox USB by peterscott3 (510 points)
edited Nov 19, 2015 by peterscott3
Thank you for you reply