Questions & Answers

Using a Studiolive III 24R rack how do I record the stereo mix to a SD card thru UC Control?

+4 votes
asked Oct 20, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by michaelohara4 (160 points)
Using a Studiolive III 24R rack how do I record the stereo mix to a SD card thru UC Control?  

I was thinking you could record your stereo mix straight to the SD without a separate DAW in a live situation.

I do not see anywhere on the iPad app where recording to the SD exists.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 14, 2017 by miked1234 (220 points)
I am wondering the same thing, but I haven't tried putting the SD card in to see if the options change or if it just starts recording on its own. Good question though, I just purchased and trying to figure out how to make it record.
0 votes
answered Dec 17, 2017 by Mathieu LUCAS (230 points)
Did you mail Presonus directly ? Because I did and still no answer.. I find the lack of communication from Presonus on that matter very annoying - to say the least