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16.0.2 on Sonar X3 Producer records low volume on each channel but Master bus is very loud and clipping

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asked Oct 31, 2017 in Classic Mixers by marcusleblanc1 (130 points)
I am trying to figure out why the Master Bus in Sonar X3 Producer is very loud compared to the 2 channels I recorded on. I have the output device set to ASIO and mapped the inputs and outputs in Sonar. I have searched Google and this forum and haven't been able to find any information. Here is what I did.

Acoustic guitar -> Mic1 -> Channel 1 on 16.0.2 -> Presonus Channel 1 Left

Acoustic guitar -> Mic2 -> Channel 2 on 16.0.2 -> Presonus Channel 1 Right

The levels on each channel are very low, however the Master Bus is very loud and clipping. I only hear sound when selecting Presonus Channel 1/Stereo. Changing it to any other channel produces no sound. I am not using WDM, but ASIO. Can anyone please steer me in the right direction?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 6, 2018 by mabutingandu (140 points)
Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue using Cakewalk by Bandlab. Very low input gain recording instruments, but the master bus is VERY loud. Increasing the input gain on the input channel just adds noise.