Questions & Answers

Firestudio in live sound without computer?

+1 vote
asked Nov 11, 2017 in FireStudio Series by JOHANN BREHMER (190 points)
Hy, is it possible to connect an 8 channels firestudio (or a 1818audiobox) to a computer for programinng a mix and after use the console for a live sound without the computer?

   I just want to use the MAIN OUT MIXED in a live sound without the computer.

      Anyone tryied that before?



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,590 points)
Best answer
The FireStudio and the 1818VSL are both computer audio interfaces that require a computer to operate. These do not operate as stand alone mixer devices.

If a stand alone mixer is what you require, then you'll need to take a look at the StudioLive rack mixers for a solution.
0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2018 by [email protected] (230 points)
I tried and it worked (need to wait about 10-20seconds after turning on Power; sync LED remains red) but i'm not sure it will always work as standalone as don't support it. They said MacOSX 10.8 (what I have for now) is not supported at all.