Questions & Answers

Customize Mouse Modifiers

+58 votes
asked Nov 30, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by jojokozy (670 points)
edited Nov 30, 2017 by jojokozy
I do a LOT of editing and have a workflow that I've been using for over 15 years.  I was able to transition from Adobe Audition 3.0 to Reaper VERY easily due to Reaper's customizations - in particular keyboard shortcuts, mouse modifiers, scrolling, and zooming.

The biggest request I have, is to be able to customize the mouse modifiers for scrolling, zooming, click/drag.

9 Answers

+4 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+8 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by owenchaim (560 points)
I agree!  mouse scroll options (zoom, horizontal scroll, etc) would be awesome!
+4 votes
answered Dec 4, 2017 by yvessg (2,900 points)
I also use a lot this feature. We need the ability to customize but also a  waveform zoom function and ability to remove the" play list change" (alt+ mouse scroll) that leads to big mistakes !
+2 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by fdsdffdsef (600 points)
Agree. It will make the transition from other DAWs much better
+2 votes
answered Jan 24, 2021 by richardlederer1 (3,360 points)
I agree!

The most annoying thing about it is, that when I try to copy an event or a note and press the CTRL modifier before I drag the event/note, it changes the pointer to the erasure tool and deletes it instead of copying it. This happens several times each hour that I accidentally delete a part/note that I wanted to copy. Really annoying.
+1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2021 by michaelcarrillo2 (640 points)
Another great thing would be the ability to use the scroll wheel to zoom in on a currently-selected track or even the track the mouse is hovering over.  In reaper, I used Ctrl+Shift+Wheel but even a toggle to make Ctrl+Wheel do it would be nice.  Or maybe when the mouse is in the top half of the track, the command would zoom all tracks but when it's in the lower part, it'll zoom just the selected one.  Or the track zooms when an item is selected but if no item is selected, all tracks zoom.
+2 votes
answered Jul 18, 2021 by Scoox (17,310 points)

Mouse modifiers in Studio One is one big-*** mess. Depending on context, the same modifier key does completely different things. For example, in the mixer to copy an insert you just drag it out of one track into another track and it gets copied, without holding down any modifiers. If you just want to move it without copying it, you need to hold Alt or Shift while dragging, though this, stupidly enough, also adds a number to the name of the insert, even if it's the only insert with that name. This is just ridiculously counter-intuitive. It should be Ctrl to copy, drag without modifiers to move, and no need for silly suffixes. Duh. I'm so sick of Studio One updates that add breakthrough/innovative features while these small but VERY IMPORTANT INCONSISTENCIES NEVER GET ADDRESSED. This shows great lack of attention to detail on Presonus part. When are you going to get a grip on this Presonus?

+2 votes
answered Jul 18, 2021 by jojokozy (670 points)
Customizable mouse modifiers (like Reaper) - this is the only thing keeping me from using Studio One.
0 votes
answered Aug 25, 2021 by subinkarkani1 (160 points)
Why are you guys bothered to ask these feature requests to presonus team when they are not bothered to answer?
I have asked for Video track feature. Which is the only thing stopping me from moving from reaper. Later I realized that, this request has been made
several times and they ignored it all the times. I have to say, S1 is a great DAW with bunch of un-professionnels sitting behind the desk. They aresimply afraid or dont mind to answer these type of questions. If they are not going to introduce a feature, what is the problem in addressing it?

Mouse action modifier is another feature I was looking for. I was not bothered to ask the presonus guys as I saw many requests on this and simply ignored.
I even talked to someone from presonus through FB messenger. Same experience. When the question was asked, It was ignored. Never going to migrate from
reaper unless they answer the question and I have changed the minds of at least 3 guys who were going to buy S1. two of them selected FL studio, One went with cubase (Even though I asked them to go for reaper)