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The ability to launch an external wav editor within Studio One to modify an active audio event.

+112 votes
asked Dec 5, 2017 in Editing by mettelus (880 points) 1 flag

As a member of the growing masses of "SONAR refugees," one feature I have come to rely on in SONAR is the ability to launch an external wav editor (for me this is Adobe Audition, but other applications are used similarly). I have asked about this and was told to add a feature request as there is not currently one in existence.

As background, here is how it works in SONAR:

An audio event (clip) is highlighted, and a menu option can be user-configured to launch an external application. Edits are made and saved, and when SONAR regains focus, it detects that the audio event has changed and re-imports the file. I use Audition very frequently to edit wav files after tracking for 1) noise removal and 2) destructive gain adjustment prior to mixing, and this ability is typically a "30 second or less" operation.

In Studio One, I have been able to launch an external editor from the internal browser, but the audio file is still locked by Studio One, which disables the ability to save the file inside the external editor (at least in a way that would allow Studio One to recognize that it has been altered).

This FR would require the following changes:

  1. Allow the user the ability to launch an external editor on a highlighted (single) audio file in use in Studio One.
  2. Release the file for editing by the application it was passed to.
  3. Re-import the file which was saved (edit detected by Studio One) by the external editor to the same location it was in prior to the edits.

6 Answers

+11 votes
answered Jan 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points) 1 flag
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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(Here's some helpful info on how to use the voting system)

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+6 votes
answered Jan 18, 2018 by niles (54,670 points)
+3 votes
answered Jun 7, 2021 by roncopsetta1 (570 points)
would also like this!!
+2 votes
answered Apr 17, 2023 by kylerogers.musician (210 points)
Reaper main trying out Studio One here, and I use their external editor functionality for RX on pretty much every track I mix. My current workflow around this in Studio One is cumbersome. I bounce the sections of the track I want to edit, find it in the pool view to find in explorer, open the bounce in RX, save a new version (can't overwrite the bounce without closing S1), and locating the missing file to replace the bounce. In reaper I just open the clip in RX, easy and simple. My S1 workaround takes too long and creates too many files. Adding it to S1 would be a killer feature for me. Thanks for considering it!
+1 vote
answered Sep 10, 2023 by russellgonzales (720 points)
This would be an extremely useful addition to Studio One, and I don't know why they haven't already added this to one of their updates.

My problem is that i use Izotope RX 10 alot! And the connect function doesn't work with Studio One, and also I don't have the option to use RX10 as an external audio editor for certain mastering duties.

I have to open RX 10 and import the wave file that i want to edit, save it, then import the saved file into Studio One. This is a lot of work to use this program, which frankly a lot of working artists use for clean up, mixing, mastering, finalizing, etc. The only reason i could think of as to why they haven't implemented this change, is that they really want Studio One users to use the limited editing capabilities of their own program.

They must realize that RX 10, Wavelab, etc. are superior for editing and finalizing audio. They really NEED to add the possibility of using an external audio editor on a future update or work with Izotope so that the RX Connect module can be used with Studio One. This update would solidify my continued use of Studio One, as right now I am looking at Cubase or Nuendo as a new DAW as RX Connect supports these 2 DAWS.
0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2024 by patricksanphy (580 points)
This was originally brought up in 2016. Here it is 2024 and WE are still waiting. Sigh. I am still doing VO in Reaper for this reason, despite really wishing to be able to do so in S1. It is frustrating to edit other people's vocals in S1's editor as well. I cannot believe this is still a hindrance.