Questions & Answers

Where is the talkback input selector in UC 1.4? In the manual for the RM16, it's in Devices. Not there now.

+3 votes
asked Nov 18, 2015 in Ai Mixers by paulkneipp (430 points)
edited Nov 18, 2015 by paulkneipp
Where is the talkback input selector in UC 1.4? In the manual for the RM16, it's in Devices. Not there now. Cannot get Smaart going without it. Come on Presonus - where is an updated manual for the RM series?

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered Nov 19, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
selected Nov 19, 2015 by jspring
Best answer
Per the UC Surface 1.4.1 release notes, Talkback Source selection has been moved. Select the talkback fader in the main mix, and you should see a drop down in the fat channel area to select the Talkback Source, just like you select input source for a channel.
asked Nov 19, 2015 in Ai Mixers by paulkneipp (430 points) Additional information needed