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Please integrate Komplete Kontrol in Studio One 3

+198 votes
asked Dec 19, 2017 in Completed Feature Requests by rowanneate (460 points)
Studio One 3 really needs this function. It’s available in Cuba’s, Logic and Ableton. I use NI hardware and would hugely improve workflow.


10 Answers

+5 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,370 points)
Best answer

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+23 votes
answered Dec 21, 2017 by laurentvigny (790 points)
yes please, can't wait ;) !!
+14 votes
answered Dec 23, 2017 by robertbrodbeck (500 points)
Needed so badly!
+7 votes
answered Dec 24, 2017 by Scoox (17,250 points)
Support for hardware from the company that discontinued Kore?
+10 votes
answered Jan 2, 2018 by stevenupton (370 points)
PLEASE add this or at least let us know if it's in the works. I love Studio One, but am considering moving to another DAW if this isn't an option. Komplete Kontrol has sped my workflow up tremendously and integration with SO3 would bring so many new users on board.
+8 votes
answered Jan 3, 2018 by sebastianbisurgi (1,070 points)
I do not own native instruments hardware but own Komplete. And the idea of buying the NI Illuminated keyboard crossed my mind a lot since Kontakt is always sugesting you so by showing colored triger notes on the virtual keyboard.  Anyway adding support for more and more controllers would be great for presonus bussines. I switched DAW´s from Protools to Studio One because i hate Avid´s bussines model but triying to map my beloved axiom 49 with Studio One was a pain in the a**, specialy cause controlling plugins parameters used to be flawless with it. Something I can not do now thogether with the lost of maybe 80 % funtionality of my keyboard. Having the freedom to choose any controller knowing that SO3 supports it would stop being a deal breaker for new presonus customers and a wellcome addition for any other already user.
+5 votes
answered Apr 22, 2018 by HammyHavoc (1,180 points)
Contemplating jumping ship from S1 if this doesn't happen soon. Bought a Maschine MK3 and KK MK2 last week after coming from Ableton Live and Push. This seems like a no-brainer considering NI are one of the biggest forces in music production currently.
+3 votes
answered May 21, 2018 by HammyHavoc (1,180 points)

Komplete Kontrol MK2's Host Transport Control is still broken even though the product released in October. You might like to Native Instruments what you think about that if you're a user of S1 and the KK MK2:

+2 votes
answered May 26, 2018 by shanepayne1 (3,770 points)
I would LOVE if you took the intergration further than everyone else, allowing the “smart features “ output to be recorded instead of the actual notes you play.

Also integration with the new chord track etc... would be amazing!
+1 vote
answered Nov 20, 2018 by shanepayne1 (3,770 points)
edited Nov 20, 2018 by shanepayne1
I'm just UPvoting everything and commenting to remind you that WE didn't forget!

Note: I am sure native instruments is a huge factor in the integration.

 However, I am also sure that since they have already intergrated with logic & Live They would be willing to work with Presonus as well.

Also, Considering your own integration with other software such as Melodyne, Console one, softube tape, & Vocalign, I am sure you could take integration even further and add features Such as recording the OUTPUT of the "Smart features" directly into the piano roll for editing with your own midi tools!