Questions & Answers

Zooming problem-- Why isn't there single keys for continuous zooming in & continuous zooming out with each press

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asked Dec 29, 2017 in Studio One 3 by rodgerorlich (490 points)
Why isn't there a single key for continuous zooming in and  a separate key for continuously  zooming out with each key press--bam bam abam--FAST

The E key press continuusly expand outs out with each press of the E key -- but then timeline ends up moving behind the track list box--then you have to grab  the slider bar to move it back to the beginning of bar 1--  this is too much hand activity.  Same thing happens when you grab the ruler and use mouse wheel  or when using ctl + shift with mouse wheel-- timeline ends up moving behind the track list box--then you have to grab  the slider bar to move it t the beginning of bar 1

It's so much more intuitive to click 1 key 2 or 3 or 4  times to get to a perfect needed time line size rather than grab mouse and move it to the top  ruler and use scroll wheel or having to hold 2 buttons and then move a mouse up grab then having to grab a slider bar to get back to bar 1 on time line.   Or at least have an option for time line to not move beyond bar 1 and not going behind the track status section--  the present zooming has  too much needless hand activity when your doing sound design on another screen--

And please allow for 3rd party loops to be added in the Loops Browser....and it would be great to have more custom browser options for superb sound file management.  If you could write the code and scripts for a favorite tab in browser list to be created that would allow any VSti preset, multi to be saved and when clicking on it the corresponding Vsti library, the GUI  would open up--a dream management system for those who have 50 libraries or more and want to save favorites in the DAW browser.
