Questions & Answers

Studio One Freezes After a Few Minutes of Inactivity

+2 votes
asked Jan 1, 2018 in Studio One 3 by (1,300 points)
When using Studio One, it seems to operate with a good amount of stability.  However, if I am to walk away from it for longer than 15 minutes, Studio One locks up.  At this point, the only way to close Studio One is to kill it through the Task Manager.  Any ideas as to why this is happening?  Studio One is being run under these specs:

Windows 10 Professional with all current updates
CPU:  Intel Core i7-4790K @ 4.00 GHz
RAM:  16 GB (15.7 usable)
HDD Storage: Studio One is installed on a 2 TB hard drive with 1.28 TB free
VST/VSTi support add-on enabled