Questions & Answers

Don't show hidden tracks by default.

+39 votes
asked Jan 8, 2018 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by dustradio (1,140 points)
Tracks that are hidden in the track list should be not be shown on the Faderport 8 by default. Yes I know there is a work around as shown in this video:

But once I do this I loose access to the main Audio/VI/VCA show/hide keys. On a Faderport 8 I find myself using these keys to flip between audio tracks and VCAs a lot. This means I have to turn off the hide option, select whatever I'm doing, then go back and rehide the hidden tracks.

There should be an option to always do this - I can't think of a time when I'd ever want hidden tracks showing in the mixer - and it should be default, because well I have them hidden for a reason, I don't need to see them, but I'm not ready to delete them permanently

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jan 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

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+4 votes
answered Jan 29, 2019 by ionian (2,110 points)
This has been driving me nuts.  I don't need a workaround.   I have no idea why Presonus thinks I want to see hidden tracks in my faderport.   Do they even use the stuff they design?
0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2020 by LHandley (3,490 points)
Although this request is essentially the same as another, I'm up-voting and responding to this one as well; maybe it will increase the chance that Presonus will listen?

It make little sense to have the ability to hide channels if they are not ignored on the FaderPort. I don't see why this wouldn't have been obvious during the design stage!