Questions & Answers

Is it possible to build a FX Chain with the internal FX Processors

+3 votes
asked Jan 12, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by olivermanz (260 points)
I would like to send a dry signal into the internal FX A (delay) and the FX A return to the internal FX B (reverb) afterwards.

Dry signal (i.e. channel 1) -> FX A -> FX A Return -> FX B -> FX B Return -> Main Mix

Is such a configuration possible?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2018 by kyleguntharp (2,350 points)

If I understand your question correctly, yes it is. Just drag your delay then your reverb onto your track. Or, create one or two FX channels, place your delay and reverb on them, and send your dry signal to them.
0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2020 by draganpozder (340 points)
It would b great if it was possible. I've used Allen & Heath QU32 before buying StudioLive 64s. On Allen & Heath I used to do that all the time. Internal Delay into Reverb, Reverb into Chorus and such. I was quite surprised and dissapointed when I realized I cannot do that on StudioLive. It is a digital console, routings like that should be possible.