I have an issue with my StudioLive 32. It is not recognized as an interface when the sample rate is set to 44.1kHz on the desk. After hours I've recognized the following fact:
- when I turn on the desk and the sample rate is set to 48kHz (connected over USB to my laptop) ==> it's working
- when I restart the computer and the sample rate of the desk is still set to 48kHz ==> it's working
- when I turn off the desk and turn it on again ==> it's working (48kHz)
- when I change the sample rate on the desk to 44.1 kHz (without restarting the laptop or desk) ==> it's working
- when I restart the computer and the sample rate on the desk is set to 44.1kHz ==> it's NOT working
- when I turn off the desk and turn it on again and the sample rate on the desk is set to 44.1kHz ==> it's NOT working
I've found out the following workaround
- When the sample rate on the desk is set back to 48kHz when I turn it on ==> it's working again
Why is the desk not working properly after restarting (computer or mixer) when the sample rate on the desk is 44.1kHz? How can the sample rate on the desk cause such issues? Does anybody know a similar issue? How can I solve this issue?
I'm running the newest firmware and the newest version of Universal Control. I'm working on a mac and my OSX is 10.11.6 (El Capitan).
Best regards,