Questions & Answers

Cursor rapidly switching to “loading” and the arrow icon

+1 vote
asked Jan 15, 2018 in Studio One 3 by mikelavallee (130 points)
Whenever I plug in my Audiobox USB my cursor blinks between the loading icon and the arrow cursor. This stops my recordings and won’t let me record anything. I’m new to recording so any help is great.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2022 by axehillz (140 points)
273 views and PreSonus hasn't even acknowledged the question? From almost 5 years ago? I'm having the same problem. Have restarted, cleaned up files...this list goes on and on. This shouldn't be happening with only 4 tracks recorded. but it starts from before I select the progect I wish to open. Anybody out there know what is causing this?
0 votes
answered Feb 12 by jezkellaafoakwah (140 points)
I am experiencing this as well. Presonus, a response from you would be very helpful. I can't use the tool to record any thing as a result of the cursor switching to hour glass and then the arrow repeatedly and quickly.

Please assist!