The issue you are running into is that your laptop may be too slow for real time audio. Make sure it means minimum system requirements to be running Studio One. -
Most often is the case with laptops that exhibit this behavior are the following conditions:
- CPU is Celeron or older Pentium 4 series / older AMD CPU
- Memory is 4GB or less, runs better with 64-Bit OS and 8GB of RAM
- For latency operation below 512 for real time instruments and effects and monitoring
- Operating System is 32 Bit (can only cache 3.25GB of 4GB of installed memory)
- Storage Drive is 5400 RPM or 4200 RPM which is typical for laptops. You'll need an SSD or 7200 RPM S-ATA drive.
- DPC Latencies due to conflicting Video Card and Network Interfaces grabbing resources from system, use this application to check to see if your system can handle real time audio:
Contact a professional audio retailer for audio recording PC solutions:
- Sweetwater Creation Stations (USA)
- PC Audio Labs (USA)
- Molten Audio (UK)
- AAVIM (Austrailia)
- Apple MacBook Pro is always a good solution too...