Questions & Answers

Multiple Marker Tracks

+41 votes
asked Jan 28, 2018 in Look and Feel by neiljordan1 (18,500 points)
retagged May 22, 2018 by neiljordan1
Would be great if one could add additional marker tracks directly underneath the current one (preferably with a rename option for each). These would be very useful for capturing things like Chords (like in Pro Tools), key moments for the guitarist, etc.

Trying to add all of these onto the single marker track already available just creates something too messy to be of help to anyone.

7 Answers

+3 votes
answered Mar 29, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

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+5 votes
answered Nov 22, 2018 by Nip (3,260 points)
edited Jul 31, 2019 by Nip

Yes, please.
Really nice to have one in timebase linear at least, like lock to a video scene.
Then others for various purposes like recording positions, much quicker than preroll and that stuff.
The for the general purpose that follow bars+beats.

I virtually do all timeline navigating with markers.

Many marker tracks really help in not having a separate video track with thumbnails, and still be able to navigate quickly.

It could be implemented as layers to the current marker track we have, to activate over time as we wish. Each with it's own timebase. Just expand like layers on a track otherwise, and activate the one you want. So no further change in gui this way.

+2 votes
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Scardanelli (3,400 points)
Definitely need at least a second marker track. When marking sections that are close to each other, or perhaps notes in timeline, when zoomed out the markers all roll under one another - even slightly zoomed this can happen if marking say verse sections or any other take notes. So if there was a marker track underneath then each marker could be read in full as the upper and lower would not interfere with each other.
+5 votes
answered Apr 8, 2019 by nk_e (1,380 points)
Someone suggested that maybe this could be implemented as Layers to keep things tidy. Alternatively, maybe it could be implemented as "track alternatives" similar to Logic / Cubase uses the concept for audio/midi tracks....
+3 votes
answered May 22, 2019 by palladinojt (560 points)
I'd love to be able to categorize/group the markers and filter by category.  For example, if I have flags marking points on my guitar track, flags for my bass track, and flags for my vocal track - be able to filter to only show the flags marking points on my bass track, so while I'm editing the bass track and using keyboard shortcuts to jump between Markers, I can jump right to the next bass-relevant Marker.
+3 votes
answered Oct 21, 2019 by nikolassehman (540 points)
I Would love to be able to move the marker tracks as i can with other tracks. for example: having a marker track dedicated to the Vocal, and another dedicated to the electrics. This way i can keep the marker track in the folders with the tracks themselves.
+2 votes
answered Jan 26, 2022 by studioj (2,080 points)
yes! it's a real problem that one has to make a choice between musical and timebased markers - that they can't co-exist. Multiple marker tracks would fix this, or the ability to set musical or timebased per marker, which even in multiple separate marker tracks would be useful.