Questions & Answers

Ableton Live 9 + Series III 16.0.2 (SD Capture Recording)

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asked Feb 2, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by christiankuhn (120 points)

I am considering upgrading to a 16.0.2 III from a 16.0.2 and I have been using izotope neuron 2 for an assisted mix down... which means all my channels on the 16.0.2 are unison and I'm adjusting the levels in Ableton 9 (kind of defeating the purpose of the mixer, to mix) so I'm curious, would the SD record to Capture be the best option to record out of ableton through the studio Live? Beacuse if that works, I could open up a new ableton session, insert the recorded tracks from Capture and then use the neuron 2 plug-in. Does that make sense or is there a better route to go?
