Questions & Answers

Presonus Earmix for StudioLive 24.4.2 Ai

0 votes
asked Feb 6, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by arronclarke (200 points)

I own a Presonus Studiolive 24.4.2 ai digital mixer and love the way it works in my studio. I saw the new EarMix is coming out and would love to integrate it into my setup for IEMs. From what I understand, the EarMix is only compatible with the StudioLive Series III mixers. Will there be some sort of update for the Ai mixer to allow use of the Earmix?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 11, 2018 by rnaqvi (2,250 points)
selected Feb 25, 2018 by arronclarke
Best answer
A StudioLive 16R will work as a hub for the EarMix with any console including the AI or RM mixers. This will enable you to send 16 line level inputs from your board to the 16R and then go out of the 16R to either an PreSonus SW5e Switch or directly to EarMix mixers. This will also give you an additional six analog outputs from the 16R that you can use to feed IEM or Monitor Sends.
0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2018 by kinkybuddy (140 points)
yes please answer this someone. i have a studio live and running avb with rml32ai as stage box and i would love to incorporate the ear mix into my setup
0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2018 by arronclarke (200 points)
Does this mean that a StudioLive 24R  can be used as a networked AVB stage box for a StudioLive 24.4.2 AI with an AVB card installed? Just as it would with a series III mixer?
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2018 by lishlash (140 points)
I've already invested in a Presonus StudioLive RML16Ai stage box mixer. Why would I want to buy an incompatible StudioLive 16R stage box just to interface with a stand-alone Earmix unit? The RML16Ai is equipped an AVB interface card that supports networking with other StudioLive Ai equipment. Is this not compatible with the AVB port on the Earmix? If not, WHY NOT?