Questions & Answers

Komplete v2 Integration - Not Feeling The Love

+7 votes
asked Feb 7, 2018 in Completed Feature Requests by elevation music studio inc. (530 points)
edited Feb 8, 2018 by elevation music studio inc.
I have used may DAWs over the years, and I fell in love with this one, for many reasons: ease of use, intuitive, it allows and promotes creativity and so many reasons - of them all, what I loved most was that Persons seemed to listen to what the consumers wanted.

Recently I have been seeing a few things that are discouraging, and sometimes things, in life, are escalated as a result of ignorance and assumptions; in mitigation of being that guy, I have just one question for the Personus team:

When I purchased ST1 I was comped a few bundles from, Melodine, native instrument/komplete, etc, was was and still am so very grateful for that - but why are you partnering with NI but there is no way to fully integrate to Komplete MK2 to maximize the functionality?

I have had a Mac for over 4 years and have never opened Garageband, today, just for fun, Ioaded up GB and the first thing it did was pair up with Komplete MK2???!! Seriously,,,,,, Garage Band recognizes Komplete Mk2?? Studio one is far more superior, What am I missing - is there a reason that this matter is not being taken into consideration? is it a difficult process? I am not being facetious, is it a matter of priority? I know that was more than one question ;)

The thing I loved most about persons is coming into question - you seem to be paying more attention to gaining new customers than really taking care of who you already have.... since I have started with Studio one, I have talked over 20 people into being ST1 user, this is directly, I have introduced it to well over 60 people - it may not seem like a lot but the 80/20 rule is the best marketing indicator.

Anyway, maybe no one will address this .... its a bit of a rant anyway.

Anyway, I am a die hard. no love lost from my end, wouldn't mind feeling some from you guys as well.



PS: I do truly appreciate the personus team and what you guys have done and continue to do for us.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2020 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
selected Jul 10, 2020 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
This was implemented in S1v4.6