Questions & Answers

How do I route an electric drum kit and a stereo through my Audiobox USB?

0 votes
asked Mar 18, 2018 in AudioBox USB by greggpariossien (150 points)
I have just purchased an Audiobox USB interface and I'm really happy with it. However, until recently I was able to record my students using an electric drum kit and playing to backing tracks direct into my PC. I want to use the interface to improve the output quality. How do I route the audio from the stereo and the audio from the drum kit through the interface. Until now the audio was via line in on the kit and all sound came out to the computer via the headphone output into a small usb microphone plug in to the PC. I'm also videoing the students so the sound must match to the video as well.

Thanks for any assistance with this

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 2, 2018 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
AudioBox gives you two input channels.  You can record and playback anything from the computer at the same time.

Now, many audio sources have a left and right output.  If you want to record things like this, you will need two input channels to do so.

It sounds like you need an mixer or interface with more channels.