Questions & Answers

Mono output on new Studiolive Series 3 rack

0 votes
asked Mar 23, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by [email protected] (150 points)
Hey! I just purchased the Studiolive Series III 16r. For the past 3 years, I've used the RM16 and I've loved it, but I decided to go with this because of the updated UC Surface and the fact that it was smaller.

I've run the RM16 to my Bose L1 Compact and it's always sounded amazing. I used the mono out to the balanced 1/4. Now I'm in a bind because there isn't a mono out on the new mixer. Is there a way to create a mono, main mix out or is there a particular cable I should get to combine the L/R main output?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 30, 2018 by michaelmcmeins (500 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
Here is what I did.  Go to your aux routing tab, and make SubA the source for mix 12.  Plug Mix output 12 into your subwoofer, then chose SubA in the channel setup (top left) for each channel you want to go to the sub output.  Hope this helps.
0 votes
answered Mar 23, 2018 by wietsesterckx (3,530 points)
If you always use a mono speaker, just make sure all your inputs are not panned, and set the width of the stereo inputs to 0%.

In that case you can connect your speaker only to the Left or Right output, both will be mono.

If you want to use the stereo output and the mono output simultanious, you can create a Matrix mix, send the main to the matrix with 0% width and send it to one of the mix outputs.