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Req for open source protocol documentation for studiolive classic mixers

+3 votes
asked Dec 1, 2015 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by ivanmakov1 (150 points)
recategorized Dec 2, 2015 by stingray1122

Request for open source protocol documentation on how the units run under the hood so that users and software developer,,,,since studio live classic is discontinued,it would be great for third party developer improve your mixer,make more features,compatibility with android devices, and make it more easy to use,,,like ********* gave its source protocol documentation,,,

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 2, 2015 by stingray1122 (7,740 points)

Thank you for your request. We'll be using the voting system on these requests to help us prioritize new feature for upcoming releases.

Ray Tantzen, Senior Product Manager - PreSonus

0 votes
answered May 7, 2023 by jfletcher (650 points)
I have a SL 32SX and would love to see open source software developed for these mixers. With so much potential it seems a shame to limit the desks to what the Presonus developers have time to build. For example the LEDs on each channel strip could display so much more useful information. Also I'd love the ability to overdub to the SD card and use the mixer as a standalone recorder. Even the ability to record a reduced number of channels at 96KHz. Seems a shame that such a fantastic platform isn't able to be tailored to more specialist duties. Presonus does a great job but their resources are limited. Having a specific open source protocol mode ( that didn't endanger the security of the desks native operating system) would make these boards unique and even more sort after!