Questions & Answers

Moving multiple elements on several tracks, not whole track

0 votes
asked Mar 30, 2018 in Studio One 3 by randyberg (120 points)
Studio One, V3, latest update.

Say you have a "song" (in my case a syndicated radio show) with elements on 5 tracks. You have to take out an element in the middle of the "song". That leaves you with an empty space. I need to move ALL the elements on the right at one time to preserve edits/timing. In ProTools it was simply CTL-A on each element, no matter the track, and right click to move EVERYTHING to the left.

How do I do this in Studio One?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)

From your description, I think this may help.

Quoth Lawrence from the Forums:

1. Draw a range on any track.
2, Hit Alt+R (Create Ranges: Extends the range fully vertically across the entire song)
3. Hit Ctl+Alt+D (Delete Time)

Make 2 & 3 above a macro if you do it a lot.
