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Editing Several Midi Tracks Simultanously on the Fly.

+4 votes
asked Jun 21, 2023 in MIDI Editing by viccapota (1,100 points)
recategorized Jun 21, 2023 by viccapota

I am strongly hoping that we can at least be able to work on midi tracks simultaneously as oposed to only being able to have one midi track in focus.  And through this to be able to not only custom color code each note - for example B and C note blue, and then others custom coded, but as per midi track all of them in view at once as per their custom size  (and no the Drum pattern editor does not work for me for many many reasons I am not getting into. in a nutshell it isnt fluid and organizable. it locks you in and you cannot express freely in very complicated types of drum patterns for either metal or other complex percussion).

Pic of how I do it in pro tools is below.  But Im paying 20 a month US for this presonus software and i have no use for it i dont even know why i am paying for it. i own pro tools and i can set and group midi tracks to work on many at once and code tracks and notes the way i want. I am literally only paying for studio one just be able to use one specific VST synth.  There is no other use for this for me.  I have no way of using the software for preproduction for my type of music for the reasons i have outlines.  I have attached a picture below how elegant life is in pro tools with this function. Here is a picture. Can we at least be able to do this soon?  To at least be able to have simultaneous midi tracks workable on the fly for drum groups?  Because the issue is in Studio one we can only work on one midi track at a time or be stuck to the very limited and boxed-in drum pattern editor which i have no use for. It limits my drum production ability i cant even do basic quick drum preproduction. I have to do all my recording, preproduction, production, mixing and mastering in pro tools still because of this.  The pattern editor in Studio one is simply not usable to me.. Its locked in and not fluidly dynamic in terms of how to work with and organize and group drum notes which should be the same workability like a piano roll but with the ability to section my snare group with even a dropdown, and the same for my high hat group, and my tom group and cymbal group - open and closeable. I want to be able to have the ability to close a group to just display one selected hat type if I wish. I can sort of do this in pro tools t one note view but it would be even better if there was an arrow dropdown to close a group to only one focused articulation of a drum hit - a "midi roll drum view"

and the ability to be able to change the rhyhmic resolution and note type for one group liker snare as to be different from my hat group. or all of them at once. (in pro tools its all at once through a keyboard shortcut butnot per track modifiable).  This is why my request is extremely simple in this.  I just wish if somebody from the company can address whether this will ever be possible so i can turn off my very expensive pro tools HD equipment when i just want to be able to do something quick because. And then I could import all the midi and audio regions the same way into pro tools when it comes time for pro production (or stay on Studio One and get off of Pro Tools even if it is good enough because I am not happy with my experience with Avid in other ways).

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 29, 2023 by (2,880 points)

You've got my vote, because your request is pretty much identical to mine! So, please give my request a +1 as well:

My request is designed to simplify the process of editing the notation used for VST instrument arrangements. Once implemented, there would be no need for manual splitting of MIDI events or note-by-note muting of MIDI notation on the piano roll. This feature is especially handy for repetitive music like EDM, rap, and other electronica, but can be used in any genre where VST instruments are used.

Instead of manually splitting MIDI events and/or having to go into the piano roll of each individual instrument track to edit MIDI notation, users would just automate the “MIDI Mute” Button that already exists on each VST Instrument Track:

I put together a short video of me attempting to mimic what the process would look like in real time. The only difference is that I am currently unable to recall any of the actions it took to generate these results, because the “MIDI Mute” button is currently not automatable for whatever reason:

After watching this video, think about how much time it would save to be able to automate “MIDI Mute” compared to having to manually split and mute MIDI events and/or notation from the piano roll to accomplish this same task! Even if you don’t see yourself using this feature, it deserves your vote by virtue of it being a button in a DAW that can’t be automated!?! This is a DAW… all buttons should be automatable, right!?!

The first part of the video also highlights the audible difference between “MIDI Mute” and “Audio Mute”, as the two parameters serve entirely different functions. “MIDI Mute” controls the reading of VST Instrument notation, while “Audio Mute” is effectively a sound man, turning your microphone on and off.

Please take the time to add your vote for this exponentially time saving feature here on the Presonus feature request page:
