Questions & Answers

FR: Cue Mix View w/ Vertical Faders

+64 votes
asked Dec 2, 2015 in Studio One Feature Requests by bobbyphillipps (1,770 points)
Maybe borrowing from the CS18AI, I'd like to be able to switch the console's faders from the main mix to a cue/headphones/live room view for my various outs. It would make setting up headphones mixes MUCH easier than the little horizontal sliders.

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jan 8, 2016 by jpettit (11,810 points)
Best answer
Similar to the cue mix view on Studio One Remote.
+1 vote
answered Dec 3, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)

Thanks for your suggestion, hey everyone else if you like this, then vote up the question for the development team to see it.

+1 vote
answered Mar 14, 2016 by (2,880 points)

'Cue Mix View w/ Vertical Faders' is a great idea. I like the idea of this potentially being a future option. So, I +voted on it. The title seemed related to a request I'd made, for what I guess I would call 'solo view'. After reading further, I found they are a little different, but they are a little related. I do a lot of live recording, tempo mapping, and subsequent MIDI tracking for bands and churches. I usually start with a live capture of 32 tracks and I'm hoping to help develop a clearer & more organized view of what is being mixed in the console/mixer view, kind of like what's been done with using folder tracks in the project view. Please check out my feature request and if you think it would be of any help at all, please +vote on it:

+2 votes
answered Apr 30, 2016 by yvessg (2,880 points)
Best implemented as "sends on faders", highly needed and present on Yamaha consoles since...1987 (DMP7) !