Questions & Answers

Why is the download speed of all my soundsets so slow?

+4 votes
asked Apr 21, 2018 in Studio One 3 by ignacioraglianti (280 points)
I recently purchased Studio One Professional, and it came with a bunch of .soundset files. I'm trying to download them directly in Studio One (The file transfer thingie) over a 150MB/s network (Which should be lightning fast), but after a couple of minutes the download speed of these files goes from around 5-10 MB/s to 20kb/s. Sometimes even less than 1 kb/s, and it doesn't go up again. Is it my internet or should I set up something in Studio One?

If I download the soundset files over my browser, the speed is pretty consistent, rounding up at about 5MB/s.

My OS is Windows 10, and I'm using Studio One Professional x64.

10 Answers

–4 votes
answered May 9, 2018 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
There's no way we can know why that is the case in your particular system, but If you encounter faster speeds using a browser please go that route instead of using the internal download manager.
+5 votes
answered May 30, 2018 by bobross11 (250 points)

I have experienced the same issue with SO4 and internal downlaods. If it happens within Studio One and NOT in a browser then the slow internal download speeds are most likely a Studio One issue. 

My browser internet down speed peaks at about 200Mbps.and averages 140Mbps. BUT in SO internal downloads CRAWL at kilobytes. Perhaps Support may want to look in to that. I don't want to be confrontational but I feel the reply to ignacioraglianti from support was a bit flat and not very compassionate. 

Support has to be knowledgeable AND Nice. Right?

Studio One (4) is my go to DAW. The New Champ. 



0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2018 by jrgwassink (160 points)
Hi all,

I think it's a Pretty common Problem, when I am reading this thread here: - it seems that many users are facing the same issue. I am currently downloading the files since 5 days with a Speed of below 10kbit/s, despite my Internet connectiion of 400 Mbit/s. Everytime I am restarting the download, it works with 10-20 Mbit/s for several seconds and then crashes down again back to kbit rates. That is really annoying and it must be some Problem of your download Servers, Right? What can we do? Greeting from Germany! J.
+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2019 by haimari (1,190 points)
edited Jan 28, 2019 by haimari

It still happens to me with 1G network.

Everything else (Chrome and other software) downloads normally 

but the Internal Downloader is very slow

I'm moving to new PC and this is a very bad user experience.

I hope Presonus will investigate this issue and maybe move the Files to a better CDN, or at least place them in AWS S3.

The total size of the files is not so big after all, this is a true waist of time.

I was expecting a 1-2 migration days tops, but that is not going to happen...

0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2019 by sebastiankulczyk (160 points)
I have a Gigabit Internet with download speeds at minimum 500mbps. I download an 11GB game from steam in 7 minutes.

Studio One Instruments Vol 2.soundset: It's been downloading for 7 hours now... 36.61 KB/sec. I'd be ok with small things like 100mb for this or that. But an upload is 1.4GB ... that should be part of the initial download of the app.

Is this website from the 1999? ... Does someone at PreSonus start a 33.6 US Robotics modem in the morning for all the user download needs and hope nobody calls there number so that they don't get disconnected?
+1 vote
answered Apr 25, 2019 by jasonbriody (160 points)
SOLVED: Hey everybody, I had the same extremely frustrating issue when trying to download the files.  I literally tried downloading them on and off for two weeks on different internet connections and times of day, thinking it was my crappy AirBnB internet.  I updated Windows, I closed all other programs, I followed the steps PreSonus prescribes to maximize download speeds, moved into a house with 200mbps fiber, and still got ZILCH improvement.

So HERE'S THE SOLUTION: instead of downloading in the program, go to My Account on the site via your regular old web browser (again, NOT in the Studio One program).  Since you're reading this forum, you should be on already.  Near the top right of your screen (literally in this forum right now!) click "Log In", or if you're already logged in, click "My Account". Then select "Get All Content" then "Show Six Included Sounds" (or whatever number shows there for you) and then click download on the ones you want.

I literally began the download when I started typing this message, and THEY'RE ALL ALREADY DONE.  Even the >1GB ones!  Yeesh.  I can't believe I didn't try this earlier.

Hope this helps someone else in my shoes!!
0 votes
answered May 14, 2019 by andrejmacko (230 points)

The "solution" below is not a real solution of course, it's a painful workaround, as you have to download all those content-files one-by-one and import them one-by-one into the S1.

I've described the BUG behavior to the support and got an answer, that I can either download every single file myself from my browser, or, and this is really a super idea, I can open a change request :-). After I've argued that a BUG-report should be fixed by the SW-producing company and not asking the user to create a feature-request, I've got an answer, that as the download function runs ok for most of the users, the rest of us not being as lucky are in a feature-request boat.

I've analyzed it a bit and it looks as an IPC deadlock in the download manager thread. The app can't even be closed and the downloader can't be stopped in that failed state - it looks as a failing state-machine design.

For me this case is finished, I'm developing SW a few decades myself and bought the S1 to have fun with my guitar and not to coach SW quality for free. If Presonus sees such basic BUG as a feature-request, it's ok for me as long as the app records my guitar :-). Let's hope there are not many "feature requests" issues like this in other modules. The SW looks otherwise nice, so I can live with I must download all the content myself painfully after a reinstall.

0 votes
answered Jun 24, 2020 by inigowilson (180 points)
0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2022 by diajasmine (140 points)

Have you test your internet download speed? First test internet speed to make sure that you have a stable internet or not.

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2024 by gabriellengruber (150 points)

I encountered the same issue.

I'm not an expert, but I tried some alternatives, and the one that worked was using a VPN connection (download through the browser, not through the software!!!).

I use Kaspersky VPN.

Before initiating downloads, I activate the VPN. Then, I start the download, and the speed increases significantly. Additionally, at times, the download may start slowing down until it reaches 0 kbps. When this happens (and it happened with almost all the downloads I attempted), I simply pause the download, change the VPN server (location) in Kaspersky, and resume the download.

*In some downloads, the VPN server may need to be changed a few times.

*It works really well for me and solves my problem.

*If it doesn't work, maybe I can help by uploading the files to Google Drive and sharing the link, if it is allowed (my email is [email protected]).
