Questions & Answers

Studio 192: Only getting a mono output and can only see "left" and odd numbered output drivers listed in Sonar.

+1 vote
asked May 6, 2018 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by ddemerjian (160 points)
I'm running Sonar.  I have mono output to speakers and headphones.  Panning the recorded channels has no effect.  In my "audio" device list I only show "Studio 192 ASIO Main Out Left" and then the odd numbered Line Outs.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2018 by butchrichard (131,360 points)
Best answer
Sonar lists available channels as a pair and labels with odd numbers.  You should be able to choose left or right channel respectively.

If panning doesn't effect the sound heard, you may need to "Link" your DAW channels in Universal Control or Bypass UC Mixer.

Open Universal Control and click the image of the Studio 192 to open the Mixer view.

Click the Settings cog wheel in the upper right hand corner of the mixer view.

Bypass Mixer.

Test panning in Sonar.  Should be good now.