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Need help recording guitar in Studio One 3

0 votes
asked May 6, 2018 in Studio One 3 by connoredwards1 (150 points)
I am recording on a Mac, with an AudioBox USB interface.

When I go to record guitar, I click track, then audio, then mono. But when I go to select the input, there's no option available. It won't let me click anything at all. It simply says "none."

I'm guessing something is wrong with my Interface setup, I just have no clue what it is.

Can someone help please? Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 8, 2018 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

You may not have any mono audio inputs setup.  Go to Song Setup > Audio I/O Setup > Inputs and make sure that you have created some valid mono inputs there.  If you have trouble with the operation of that screen please see the reference manual section Setup > Audio Device Input/Output Setup for a detailed explanation of it.
