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Recommendation for low latency, supported and ultra-light guitar interface

+1 vote
asked Oct 8, 2017 in Computer Based Recording & Production by benpatient (220 points)
edited Oct 21, 2017 by benpatient
Hello hello!

I am going to be travelling extensively over the next few years and want an ultra-portable guitar-recording interface. Every gramme matters! I am torn between options below:


1. Apogee Jam 96 - super light at only 50g BUT the only discussions I have found on this suggest that there are issues with Studio One v3. Apogee stuff seems more built for Mac, but I am using Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 4.

2. Focusrite Scarlett - lighter than the Presonus iOne, but not sure what the latency/interoperability will be like. At 0.4kg it is obviously much heavier than the Apogee.

3. Presonus iOne - bound to work well with Studio One. Heaviest of the 3 units.

Edited to add some other considerations...

4. Alesis GuitarLink - just a cable!

5. Alesis Core 1 - only 140g

6. And finally the IK Rig Pro - also super light.

Weight really is an issue, but there is no point in having something where the latency is terrible. Does anyone have experience of any of these? Does anyone know if there is better latency for any of them?

My kit: Studio One 3 Artist. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (16gb ram). Acoustic guitar w/ LR Braggs pickup.

Thanks a mill


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

I suggest posting on the Presonus forums, as well as on one of the popular guitar forums. The iOne is going to give you the most out of the box compatibility with no issues. Especially travelling, it is best to have gear that is designed to work together.