Questions & Answers

firepod stays on blue light after firmware interuption

0 votes
asked May 10, 2018 in FireStudio Series by robertsawyers (150 points)
i tried doing a firepod to fp10 firmware update, and the update got interuped now my firepod wont sync to my pc, is there any way i can downgrade my firmware back to original?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 11, 2018 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer

This firmware update should be applied to any FirePod units that have lost S/PDIF I/O functionality.

Important notes:

You must run the firmware updater in Windows XP.

Do not run the updater in later versions of Windows. The device could become unusable.

The OS X version will only run on PPC based Macs. It will not run on Intel based Macs.

After updating the firmware, you may use the device on any supported system. 
Make sure that you install the most recent drivers. They are available here:
