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Studiolive series III Rack monitor processing.

+3 votes
asked May 22, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by xytrouble07 (870 points)
Hey everyone I wanted to know if any of the Presonus Studiolive series III mixers preferably the rack mounted ones have the ability to seperate the processing from the AUX inputs and the main inputs.

I know its probably a feature many folks don't consider but I'm trying to see if Presonus has the option of separating EQs, compression, and reverbs basically all the processing between what you are sending to monitors via AUX 1-whatever, or if its all shared.

I know traditionally a seperate console is used but its 2018 lol, people are cheap now and it would be awesome to have that option. I also understand that type of set up requires double the DSP for it to run properly because every channel basically has to have the ability to be able to put 2 seperate processing.

I have used the yamaha TF rack consoles, the soundcraft Ui series, and the mackie dl series. and non of them have that option processing is shared within the aux and mains.

Thanks in advanced!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
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0 votes
answered May 23, 2018 by danielsievert (11,890 points)
Yeah, you're really talking about two independent processing paths from the one source which as you mentioned is double the DSP. You can certainly use the Pre1 and Pre2 settings to have some control over how much processing goes to Aux versus Main. You can also do a lot with the Parametric and Graphic EQ's together on each output.

Now that digital patching has been implemented you can also sacrifice half your track-count and use two channels to independently process the one source input and send to different destinations.

Or else you can add on an additional rack or mixer to get the full control you need.