Questions & Answers

Drum Editor and Pattern Editor - Allow Users to Edit Note Names When a VSTi Drum Map is Detected

+58 votes
asked May 25, 2018 in Patterns by Funkybot (21,640 points)

When Studio One detects a Drum Map on a VSTi (such as it will for BFD3), it will automatically import the note names from the Drum Map into the Drum and Pattern Editors. Users cannot currently edit the note names in the Drum and Pattern Editors. 

Feature Request: In the Drum and Pattern Editors, allow users to either double-click on the note name text, or right+click to open the menu with a new "Rename" option, and enter a new note name which should be retained for the length of the session and/or can be saved as a new drum map. There should be no need to even click on the Wrench icon, but the same functionality should appear in that mode also.

Current-State: Note names cannot be edited at all when a Drum Map is detected on a VSTi. 

1 Answer

+6 votes
answered May 25, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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