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BUG report: Melodyne 4 studio in Studio One 4 not working

+16 votes
asked May 30, 2018 in Studio One 4 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)
Melodyne 4 Editor is not working in Studio One 4. It loads, but when opening it one a track more than once, which also includes opening it on a track from a save session, the GUI window goes completely wild. The actual window size does not match the window's title bar and resizing or moving such a corrupt window, crashes S4.

It also behaves like this on sessions loaded from S3. I'm using OSX 10.11, Studio One 4 Professional and Melodyne 4.1.1 studio. This behavior is repeatable over and over on my system. No problems with any other plugins so far.

13 Answers

0 votes
answered May 30, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
selected Jun 28, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer
Howdy! If you can, please report it through a ticket at “PreSonus Knowledge Base”. It can be confusing how they have a forum, a Q&A, and a support ticket system but that’s usually the only place through which they log and monitor bugs.
asked Apr 18, 2020 in Studio One 4 by johncantos (150 points) como activar melodyne
0 votes
answered May 30, 2018 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)
Actually I think I did report it through the knowledge base, and then clicking 'Ask a Question'. But I will have a look, thanks.
+2 votes
answered May 30, 2018 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)
Just found the form and submitted the bug. For people having similar issues, I just found out that it's only buggy if you undock the Melodyne window. So keep it docked for now!
+3 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by davidburke1 (360 points)
I'm having the same issue with Melodyne after uploading Studio One 4.  On a given song file, the first time Melodyne is activated the entire right-hand side of the Melodyne window is cut off, thus preventing access to the top right-hand corner icons (minus sign, square[s], and X).  Then, upon opening Melodyne a subsequent time in the same song file, the Melodyne window is complete but fills only have the screen (left), and the right side of the Melodyne window is a grey/black square.  I've reported this issue to PreSonus, and I've been told that its development team is aware of the problem.  I suggest that anyone having similar issues to submit a work request to PreSonus ASAP!
+5 votes
answered Jun 4, 2018 by charlienguyenvanphuc (960 points)
My S1 v4 crashes when trying to dock Melodyne
+1 vote
answered Jun 11, 2018 by demingmorrison (210 points)
I'm having a similar issue, anytime I attempt to use Melodyne it opens with a gray unselectable tint and says Melodyne is now compatible with the daw, it seems to be running it as a standard VST, no docking or resizing options available. I can open menus but cannot select anything within them, it won't allow me to manually transfer anything either. All in all it is quite literally unusable in any way not matter what I do (Not that I can do much when none of the buttons are selectable) I have uninstalled and reinstalled both studio one 4 and melodyne multiple times.

I am running a Windows 10 PC with an i7 core, and 32 gigs of Ram.
+1 vote
answered Jun 20, 2018 by rafaelvillafane (610 points)

Same problem here. Melodyne appears undocked, no way to access the 'attach/unattach' arrow or the 'x' to close Melodyne. After writing Celemony they told us how to dock it from the 'view' section. Was then able to dock Melodyne but no audio appeared in Melodyne's window. Celemony asked to click the 'x' to close Melodyne and then click on the audio to see if Melodyne then reflected the notes on the audio track. Did that and as soon as we clicked on the audio, the wheel of death appeared and Studio One 4 froze until we had to force quit. Repeated the process several times with the same result.

Melodyne simply does not work with Studio One 4 and causes the DAW to crash every time. Celemony has asked us to open a ticket with Presonus, which I thought I had done but will do so again now.

+1 vote
answered Jun 21, 2018 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)

@rafaelvillafane, You should be able to dock Melodyne and use it while keeping it docked. To do this, just create a blank new session.

Add or record a bit of audio and then 'Edit with Melodyne'. 1st thing to do is dock it, then save and close. This will (at least for me) keep Melodyne docked for new sessions. Melodyne will work properly the 1st time you use it, as soon as you close it and re-open, the trouble starts, but it's a known problem with Presonus and it appears to be fixed already, so we will probably see it fixed in the next maintenance update.

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2018 by Ahayes1 (310 points)
also experiencing this.
0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2018 by kbcrodbina (140 points)
I have some kind of solution.I created midi track and wrote emtpy midi event.After opening Midi editor(piano roll) i docked him to the "floor".then i opened Melodyne 4 and while in docked mode i resised him to the top of the window.Now its almost full screen.
0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2018 by charlesdickens (310 points)
I have had similar issues since upgrading to 4.

Some have been fixed but still have 2 issues.

Melodyne "takes over" the tempo and I cannot over ride.

Second after I load Melodyne I am not able to go to the Studio One 4 Edit page.  If I select Edit the Melodyne page pops up and I am not able to typical Studio One edits.

Any help?
0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2018 by chrisleibrandt (140 points)
Yep, in Artist 4, when back in the editor , Melodyne mis-aligns the vocals with the music .
0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by tomemmerling (300 points)
I was able to use Melodyne previously, but now (I think since I upgraded to SO4 Professional?) when I open it, the notes are grayed out and not editable in any way.