Questions & Answers

How do I create a 44/16 DDP from a 48/24 Session?

0 votes
asked Jun 7, 2018 in Studio One 4 by TroyEngle (150 points)
I'm ready to send my master to the printers, and want to make sure my DDP is 44k 16 bit. My session is 48/24. Do I just have to change to settings in my project to 44.1? Anyway to check what the DDP image is? Couldn't find a good answer on here. Thanks!

In Studio One 3

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2018 by lawrencefarr (221,490 points)
Best answer
You should be able to check by exporting a DDP and them opening the DDP in Studio One to see what the file resolution is.  When we tried that with 24-bit files the results were 16-bit.