Questions & Answers

How about DUH mode?

+1 vote
asked Jun 7, 2018 in Look and Feel by thomashuntington1 (460 points)
Studio One 4 with the Studio Live Series 3 mixer.

DAW mode, Interface only non daw, analogue, usb, avb, sd, digital patching - the most freedom of connections on the planet. I believe I  can connect a mic in my sock drawer to the space station while recording a tuba band will 11 different monitor mixes and a matrix mix that is beamed through the cloud to play through underwater speakers in the migratory path of humpback whales. I spent countless hours researching this and savoring it coming and then loving beginning to learn it and getting all worked up into to a lather.

Now instead of DAW mode, I would like DUH mode. Push one button and almost all choices go away. Something like

1. the screen shows a reel to reel tape with working parts - moves when play, lights when armed, etc
2. The board can tell when  you plugged into a channel and the select button becomes white to show it's active and changes color when you push it again to show the track is armed.  
3. Record to takes only.
4. No aux sends, no individual channel effects. Only master/main channel effects which are one choice each - (you want reverb or not? Delay or not?, Compressor or not?)   But you would get to choose how much percentage.
5. Basically a reverse time machine to when gear was simple enough, it was almost intuitive. To figure out how to use it, all answers start with a sarcastic "Ah DUH......"     

How do you.....?

Ah DUH  you push the x button"

Then when done recording and the creative juices have flowed, you push the DUH button again and everything comes back to life as normal to manipulate to your heart's desires.

Sorry I just came back from getting dish washing liquid. Who knew there is like 78 kinds of dish washing liquid. That may have had some effect on me while I was trying to record my new idea.......

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

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