Questions & Answers

Dry/Wet for every Insert (like REAPER)

+21 votes
asked Jun 13, 2018 in Studio One 4 by pauljosefdiwiak (500 points)
It is very usefull, if you can wet/dry mix every single plug in, so you can do e.g. parallel compression on every track with every compression plugin without having to create an seperate bus or fx track!

(if this is already possible and i'm just to stupid, i am very sorry! Please tell me how to do it!)

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 15, 2018 by vasilykorytov (11,560 points)
selected Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
actually most plugins have the "dry/wet" knob already. the compressor and multiband dynamics in S1 do for sure, the Softube compressor as well.

why would everyone want to have two "dry/wet" knobs for every plugin?
–3 votes
answered Aug 12, 2018 by charlesjohnson21 (450 points)
You can use the splitter.
0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2020 by jasonwolfe1 (1,180 points)
edited Sep 2, 2020 by jasonwolfe1
I agree, please include a wet dry option for all plug ins.  Yes, most plugins have wet dry, but for example, Ampire I don't see one.  I'm not seeing the splitter in Prime either, so haven't been able to test that out.  Is splitter not used in Prime?  Either way, that seems like extra steps when a wet/dry mix knob would suffice. I'm new to studio one and enjoying the demo, but would like to clear this up if possible.
0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2021 by michaelpardus1 (2,720 points)
2021 - Please add this feature. It should be standard same as gain knob on fader tracks (thanks for that).
0 votes
answered Nov 4, 2023 by brionreid (2,310 points)

I added a Wet Dry Split to exchange... hope it's useful

0 votes
answered Jan 18 by marcosferreira1 (2,120 points)
6 years later and no Dry/wet button in S1. Pity.