Questions & Answers

Does the Studio Live 32R have Dante built in via Nework Audio output to connect PC for live audio?

0 votes
asked May 16, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by juancarlos40 (150 points)
Does the Studio Live 32R have Dante built-in via Network Audio port to connect PC into VMIX  for live audio? or could I purchase a device to do this for? Looking to bring my dedicated live stream mixer into my PC. Then master the 32 channels and send it into our vmix for live stream Audio. The mixer is in a separate room next to our stage, which is about 85 feet away from our production room.

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered May 22, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
The Series III use AVB, not Dante. There is no AVB to Dante bridge at the moment.
0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2021 by derekmillar1 (230 points)
edited Mar 24, 2021 by derekmillar1
Just found a video on PreSonus site that says you can mulitrack record over AVB ethernet.

Here is the YouTube video -

Go to 1:00 in the video where he talks about all the way of recording; SD stereo recording, USB multitrack, and Record via AVB.

I would assume AVB works similarly to how Dante protocol works, but I would recommend using StudioOne or the Capture software that comes with the unit, as it is more likely to be compatible with the unit.