Questions & Answers

Sound out of StudioOne to Super channel on AR22 distorted

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asked Jun 24, 2018 in Studio One 3 by michaelulrick (210 points)
edited Jun 24, 2018 by michaelulrick
So, no matter what I do the CPU is clipping in the meter.  I have a brand new Dell 17 (7000 series) with 16 GB ram, ,an SSD 1 TB drive.  This shouldn't be happening.  I've dropped down to 16 bit, lowest sample rate of 44k, 24 FPS, Maximum drop out protection.  Moved all settings around but still the same thing.  I hit one key on a string and might be ok.  Play it a bit harder or add another key and distortion.  

Is there some setting I'm missing?  I can't imagine this is what using a DAW is all about.  No one would play if it was... especially if you're a musician.

Using the following:

StudioOne V3 / StudioOne AR22 mixer (Hooked up via USB, set as main sound out from the Computer to the super channel) / Akai MPK 49.  / Dell Inspiron 17 7000series with SSD and 16 GB ram.