Questions & Answers

Intel i9 Support for Notion

+4 votes
asked Aug 1, 2018 in Notion by pauldecesare (5,720 points)
reshown Aug 24, 2018 by pauldecesare
I'm sure the dev team is aware that Notion will not run on i9 processors on Windows (and Mac for all I know), for sure the i9-7940X that's in the new tower I just built... Notion will not run. This is a placeholder to get i9 support on the list. Thanks!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 24, 2018 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
This issue has been logged with the Notion development team and is listed in the tech specs.  Here is a link to the tech specs:

This is an issue on Windows and not on Mac.  Should the issue be resolved in a future update, you will see it listed in the release notes.  Thanks for all of your patience.
0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2019 by pauldecesare (5,720 points)
This has been too long leaving us in the dust. Switched to Cubase. Didn't want to and didn't want the expense but Studio One and Notion are definitely not for MIDI Orchestration. We are all jumping to i9 processors and this has been an issue for nearly 2 years. Studio One is definitely the DAW for rock/pop/EDM, but not VI composing with 1500 tracks in a template and no way to produce score. :-(