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closed Allow Faderport 8 or 16 to control Cue Mixes [Completed]

+18 votes
asked Aug 9, 2018 in Completed Feature Requests by jorgepinto1 (4,720 points)
closed Jan 7, 2021 by arndkaiser
Please consider allowing the Fadeport 8/16 to control cue mixes. Thank you, George Pinto.
closed with the note: Completed.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2019 by neilrogers (750 points)
I see that in the latest update they have finally added the ability to control the Cue mix from the faderport!  Actually, after looking at the implementation it is close, but no cigar.  Only being able to control the cue mix one channel at a time even if you have a FP16, misses the point a bit.  I know, you are using the other faders to control additional cue outputs, but there has to be a better way.  I don't mix a single channel in relation to other cues.  When I set a cue mix I want to adjust each of the channels in relation to each other (aka MIX).  Seeing only one at a time is barely an improvement.  Use the Pan/Param knob or the main knob to cycle between the different cue sends, but allow us to control the entire sound for a single cue across the board, not just one channel at a time.

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate this improvement as well as the other stuff you keep adding on, but your job is not done yet on this particular feature.
commented Jan 7, 2021 by arndkaiser (2,300 points)
This is already possible. Please check your Faderport manual (chapter 2.6.3).

"Your FaderPort provides two ways to view and control your Cue Mix sends: individually and globally. Press the Shift and Sends buttons once simultaneously to control the send levels for all the sends on the currently selected channel.

Press the Shift and Sends buttons again to control the first Cue Mix send levels for all focused channels.

As you continue to press the Shift and Sends buttons, you can cycle through all available Cue Mix send slots until the last active slot has been reached. Once all the available sends have been cycled through, you will be returned to view the sends for the currently selected channel once more."