Questions & Answers

closed User-Viewable Bug Tracking System

+17 votes
asked Aug 14, 2018 in Look and Feel by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
closed Oct 10, 2018 by BobF
I do what I can to report bugs when I find them but presonus’s current process for this is a little circuitous. I contact Tech support, they usually tell me, "thanks but we already know about it" or they tell me to post it on the forum. If you post on the forum, there is no confirmation that it was ever officially recognized by the Presonus team unless a volunteer moderator forwards it to them and posts that they did. I’m already doing a lot of work testing and narrowing down bugs; I feel like the current system is inefficient and wasting some time (especially if they already know about the issues I'm reporting). A user-viewable bug tracking system would be very much appreciated. Something where users could:

1. See bugs that are known and tracked by Presonus

  - can help prevent confusion over whether or not a bug has already been reported and whether or not people are wasting their time testing/reporting them

2. Comment and add examples, updates

  - allows users to see how long a bug has been know about and whether a fix has been attempted

 - prevents the current arguing in the forum over whether specific bugs were already fixed or not without having to do a bunch of thread searching
closed with the note: Inapropriate request