Questions & Answers

Scroll bar doesn not represent content

+1 vote
asked Nov 26, 2023 in Studio One 6 by GronyNinety Ramírez (160 points)
edited Nov 26, 2023 by GronyNinety Ramírez

Studio One has a problem where scroll bars (to navigate throughout contents like MIDI and tracks) don't match with the content and it becomes very difficult to move because they're way small.

How to replicate:
Just create a new project or a new MIDI item, you'll see that 99% of where the scroll bar can move, there's nothing.
I know this isn't right and you guys might missed it 'cause many people have MIDI controllers but for us who have to manually draw them it becomes very difficult.
Take this website for example; when you reach the bottom, the scroll bar also does. In Studio One, it goes to nowhere for no reason.
