Questions & Answers

Mouse wheel scroll

+11 votes
asked Dec 14, 2015 in Studio One Feature Requests by jso (1,810 points)

Some scrollable areas can only be scrolled when the mouse is on the scroll bar. Some scroll bars are razor thin and can be difficult to center the mouse on. For example with the instrument rack, it would be a lot better if the whole rack were made active for scrolling. The insert slots scroll bar is not as difficult, but would certainly make things a lot easier if the whole insert slot area is active for scrolling as well.



2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 14, 2015 by niles (54,670 points)
I agree the scroll bars are tiny there. Regarding the inserts: Wouldn't a full width scroll zone collide with the controls in the Micro View?
+1 vote
answered May 17, 2018 by davidwalker12 (190 points)
+1 for this.

As for colliding with control editing -- surely the primary use of the scroll-wheel (scrolling) should take priority over editing values? If your design means the scroll-wheel doesn't scroll, there's something wrong! ;p  I'd rather lose editing of controls and have the scroll wheel do what most people expect it to do: scroll.

Certainly the instruments panel should scroll -- it doesn't have any mini controls in that panel. With a large template, you want to be able to scroll quickly to find, edit, and activate/deactivate instances to save precious CPU cycles!