I'm lost...
Multi-note velocity editing... needed
CC Drawing... needed
The Sequencer Overlay is faster to work in than a piano roll. Dorico proves how bad that design mentality works. You can't place notes and edit timings nearly as fast in Dorico as you can in Notion. Piano Roll = a major step backwards. If it's CC, velocity, or even chromatic note input/edits we're talking about, I agree those need to improve. But they should happen the Notion way, not the way Steinberg does it, which is essentially frankenstein UI. To their credit, Dorico looks beautiful. But I care how I use a program being efficient as a workstation (actually getting **** done) and sounding good (oh yeah... music) FAR more than whether it looks pretty. So I'm not trying to bash everything Steinberg does. But I own Dorico and while it has shiny engraving and shiny GUI buttons... the workflow is **** for MIDI editing. Let's not take Notion down that road.
If features are added to Notion, it should be done the Notion way. Embrace what you get right by adding to it, not trying to match what someone else is doing. It's the same as people who try to mimic Zimmer and Williams. Copycat music is ****. Just write what you want and do it well. I hope Notion does things the Notion way... and well. Sorry for going over the top. Can you tell I'm passionate about this? ;)
There's always rewire or sending the data from one program to the other if you want. I'd even opt for a live-input API to have notes show up in both programs at the same time. There's a lot of possibilities there. But I wouldn't add a new piano roll to Notion. Dorico did that and it's not great. I own the DAWs and Notion programs from both companies. So this is at least an informed opinion.
Just my two cents.
P.S. I mean no offense to those who like the idea. If you have good reasons I'm missing, I'd love to hear them and address them. I just see what I view as a huge potential UI problem if Presonus does it that way. The editing versatility I agree with. How it's done though...